Once you have received your KC activity registration number, you can now get your dog measured and sign up with the show processors. We currently use the following processors, but they do keep changing.
The first 2 are the main ones that we use for entering shows and Agility Aid is where we can check the rings and results.
How to enter a show
Once you have registered with the show processor and entered yours and your dogs’ details, it will automatically show you what classes you are able to enter when you are entering a show.
Depending which processor, click on ‘Show Diary’ find the show, click on it and press enter. Select your classes and confirm (or follow details on screen)
Graded class – this means there is an award for each grade even if the classes say G1- 3. If it says CG1-3 (combined grades) there is only 1 award for the combined grades.
There are also special classes, anysize/allsorts. These are non-progression classes, so they don’t count towards progressing into the next grade. All newbies start at Grade 1.
There are closing dates on all shows, usually 4 weeks before the show date. Any entries not paid for usually gets withdrawn, so you won’t be entered.
Ring Card and Running Orders
About 7-10 days before the show, you will receive your running orders. This gives you your running numbers and ring plan. Your running order is the number you are in that class. When queuing to run at a show you will be asked for your running order. Your number changes for each class
Ring Plan
When entering a show you will see there are jumping classes and agility classes. Jumping classes have jumps, tunnels and weaves and the agility classes have all the contact equipment as well as weaves in.
Anysize / Allsorts - jumping is just jumps and tunnels, no weaves and you can jump any height, maximum is medium and minimum is micro.
Agility has lower height Aframe and Dog walk but no weaves or seesaw and you can jump any height, maximum is medium and minimum is micro.
The anysize classes are non-progression, they are combined grade 1-7 and aimed for new, retired or coming back from injury.
Steeplechases / helter-skelter – is just jumps and tunnels, they are usually combined grades and non-progression.
To win into your next grade you have to meet the criteria of so many wins. You can move up on point up until grade 4.
Our progression is under review, and they are possibly going to change this but currently you need the following: